Research and Publication Ethics (JOSAD)

The Journal of System and Design (JOSAD) aims to foster notable research. Therefore, we have established stringent ethical standards and examination for research and publication as follows:

A. Originality and republication
All submitted manuscripts should be original research. The manuscript should not be submitted to other journals for publication at the same time.
Any portion of the research manuscript which has been accepted for publication in JOSAD should not be submitted to other journals without permission of the JOSAD editorial board.
If republication is detected in the text of the manuscript, the research will be withdrawn from the journal. The original author of the research and the institution to which the author is affiliated will be notified. The author [who attempted republication] will be responsible for any damage incurred, including all costs of conducting audits and review.

B. Imitation
Plagiarism in any form propagates unethical and unacceptable behavior.
This includes plagiarism by dishonestly misrepresenting copied research as the author’s own work in any form, plagiarism or transcription of the essence of another person’s work without attribution, as well as stealing information or research produced by others, and selectively reporting portions of works with the intent of misleading or deception.
The penalty imposed if any evidence of the aforementioned types of plagiarism are found in the published research will include retraction of the research as if not previously published and requiring that the author be responsible for any costs and compensation for the damages incurred.

C. Conflict of interest
There is a risk that conflicts of interest may occur—especially non-officially disclosed financial interests which may affect the validation process for research publications. Therefore, authors submitting research manuscripts should formally disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

D. Audits and reviewing
The process of auditing and reviewing research manuscripts before publication will require that the research manuscript be reviewed by at least two subject matter experts for academic validity and quality [and pass these standards]. The respective editors will then approve publication as the final stage. The author’s personal information will not be disclosed to those not involved in such audits and reviewing.

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