International Journal of Index Development (IJINDEX)
All submitted manuscripts are subject to a preliminary review for compliance with IJINDEX's aim & scope, research ethics and publication. After the online submission date the manuscripts authors will be notified of the preliminary audit results. Only manuscripts that have passed the preliminary examination will go through the expert peer review process.
Authors should provide for the submission of manuscripts to IJINDEX as follows.
IJINDEX focuses to checking Full paper, Editorial approval, Peer Review and Copyrights.
A.Full paper
Full paper are for full description on the original research articles that must be 4000-8000 words in length inclusive of references, tables, graphs, charts, and figures.
Authors should conduct full paper progress submissions by the date of the editorial announcement.
The standard order of section in the manuscript file is:
Academic article: title page, abstract, introduction, literature review (can be included in the introduction), analytical/conceptual framework, results, conclusions, recommendations, and references.
Research article: title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, conclusions, discussions, recommendations, and references.